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March 25 - 29, 2025 · Cologne
Stand D010 / E019 in hall 10.1

Visit Dentaurum at the IDS 2025!

Join in when the dental community meets again at the world's leading trade fair IDS in Cologne. As an international dental show, the IDS is the meeting point of the year in 2025 for dental professionals.

Visit the Dentaurum team in hall 10.1 at stand D010/E019.


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Fill out the form on the right-hand side until February, 28th 2025 to win one of 200 day tickets for the IDS 2025.


Our motto: Let‘s Celebrate Dentaurum!

As one of the pioneers in the dental world, we have a lot of knowledge. This is an important pillar in the long-standing history of our company.

At Dentaurum, we are proud to have taken part in the first IDS in 1923 in Berlin where we exhibited our products and services! We will be continuing this tradition at the IDS 2025 and will be celebrating several anniversaries of products from our portfolio.

  • 90 years remanium®
  • 60 years Orthocryl®
  • 30 years laser
  • 30 years implantology
  • 30 years ceramics
  • 20 years tomas®

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We're celebrating dental history.

We invite you to celebrate with us the anniversaries of some of Dentaurum's products at our stand D010/E019 in hall 10.1 at the IDS in Cologne. Call by and be a part of making history with us in the global dental community.

Product highlights at the IDS 2025

At the IDS 2025, we will be presenting our unique product range, covering the fields of orthodontics, implantology and dental prosthetics.

We have one of the widest portfolios in the dental industry.

Visit us:  Stand D010 / E019, hall 10.1

  • All
  • Orthodontics
  • Implantology
  • Ceramics
  • Prosthetics

60 years Orthocryl®

Proven, durable and innovative - convincing quality.

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Expansion screws

Perfect in form, function and design.

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tomas® & amda®

Skeletal anchorage meets distalization appliance.

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discovery® smart

#small and brillant:
the smart metal bracket.

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discovery® pearl

#fascinatingly natural:
the aesthetic ceramic bracket.

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prime4me® RETAIN3R

Our 3D retainer is a perfect fit!

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M-Series mini

A series of buccal tubes in a class of their own.

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tioLogic® TWINFIT

Dentaurum is the only implant manufacturer to offer a complete prosthetics portfolio with conical and platform abutments in one implant with its tioLogic® TWINFIT implant system.

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Digital Implantology

tioLogic® DIGITAL. opens up the entire process of guided surgery and CAD/CAM workflow to implantologists and dental technicians with many detailed solutions for tioLogic® implants.

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CITO mini®

The mini implants are produced in one piece and with a reduced diameter. They can be used to secure full and partial dentures, especially for patients with reduced bone availability.

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ceraMotion® CADback

The creative software, especially developed for ceramists!

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ceraMotion® OneTouch

The first veneering ceramic in 2D and 3D paste form.

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30 years' laser

In 2025, Dentaurum will be celebrating 30 years' laser.

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90 years' remanium®

One of the best known dental alloys will be celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2025!

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The ideal combination

The systems that have proven their worth year after year, tomas® for skeletal anchorage and amda®  distalization appliance, offer modern extended possibilities for palatal treatment.

Learn more: tomas® amda®

Program during the IDS 2025

Knowledge connects: Visit Dentaurum's Speakers' Corner

A visit to our stand D010/E019 in hall 10.1 promises to be exciting with live demos and presentations from key opinion leaders. Speakers and experts such as Andrea Eliseo (Italy), MDT Haristos Girinis, DT Guido Reichhart, Dr. Johannes Petschelt, Dr. Daniel Schulz and Terry Whitty (Australia) will be discussing popular issues such as digital orthodontics, removable orthodontic appliances, layering techniques with ceramics, cut-back software, mini implants and many more.

Download our IDS program Complete program for seminars and events

All dates with one click! Download the program items quickly and easily as an ICS file and add them directly to your calendar.

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10:00 - 11:30 h

12:00 - 13:30 h

14:00 - 15:30 h

16:00 - 17:30 h


Digital technologies:
CoCr & titanium materials incl. overview of production work steps

Decisive factors in choosing the method of production; important
material properties of remanium® and rematitan®.

 DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

Professional history

High school graduation

1986 – 1991

Vocational education as dental technician, occupation in a commercial laboratory

since 1991

Employee at Dentaurum as dental technician in an application laboratory for prosthetic dentistry.

Field of activity

Dental lectures and seminars in Germany and international.


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Digital workflow at Dentaurum

Scan, print and produce with Dentaurum products and services

DT Marcelo Mendes Reis

DT Marcelo Mendes Reis

Professional history

Vocational education as dental technician


Dental technician in various laboratories


Head of laboratory


Process Manager for digital orthodontics


Digital technologies - Development


Customer Support Digital

Field of activity

In Germany and international

  • Digitization
  • 3D print

OnyxCeph/ 3Shape as planning software

  • Aligner planning
  • CAD appliances
  • Palatal implants      
  • Indirect bonding IDB




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One "Soft" Touch – Success will touch you!

Take a look at 3 things that will improve your ceramic jobs (straight away) at the IDS stand!

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Professional history

Employee of Dentaurum as application technician / demonstrator.

Field of activity
  • Ceramics seminars, ceraMotion® One Touch, ceraMotion® Zr, ceraMotion® Me
  • Laser seminar (basics) and laser safety training
  • Seminars on partial dentures and telescopes



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Long-term success with low-speed preparation and tioLogic® TWINFIT connector geometry (hands-on)

Advantages of the AbutmentSwitch and drill workshop with different bone qualities.

Dr. med. dent. Daniel Schulz

Dr. med. dent. Daniel Schulz

Professional history

Study of dentistry in Hamburg


Assistant posts in Hamburg




Founding of new dental practice in Henstedt-Ulzburg, practicing implantology

Membership in SHGZMK [Society for Dental and Oral Medicine in Schleswig-Holstein] and DGZI [German Society for Dental Implantology]

Field of activity

Lectures and publications in the fields of implantology, all-ceramics and CBCT


Download appointment (ICS)


Long-term success with low-speed preparation and tioLogic® TWINFIT connector geometry (hands-on)

Advantages of the AbutmentSwitch and drill workshop with different bone qualities.

Dr. med. dent. Daniel Schulz

Dr. med. dent. Daniel Schulz

Professional history

Study of dentistry in Hamburg


Assistant posts in Hamburg




Founding of new dental practice in Henstedt-Ulzburg, practicing implantology

Membership in SHGZMK [Society for Dental and Oral Medicine in Schleswig-Holstein] and DGZI [German Society for Dental Implantology]

Field of activity

Lectures and publications in the fields of implantology, all-ceramics and CBCT


Download appointment (ICS)

Digital technologies:
CoCr & titanium materials incl. overview of production work steps

Decisive factors in choosing the method of production; important
material properties of remanium® and rematitan®.

 DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

Professional history

High school graduation

1986 – 1991

Vocational education as dental technician, occupation in a commercial laboratory

since 1991

Employee at Dentaurum as dental technician in an application laboratory for prosthetic dentistry.

Field of activity

Dental lectures and seminars in Germany and international.


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Skeletal anchorage

Applications on a daily basis

Dr. Andrea Eliseo

Dr. Andrea Eliseo

Professional history

Graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of L'Aquila


Specialized in Orthodontics at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome


Speaker with 3M Unitek and Speaker with Dentaurum Italia


Second level Master's speaker and university specialization speaker at University of Rome, Catania, Milano, Chieti

Since 2021

President S.U.S.O. Molise 


Author of the book “Miniscrew, Atlas of Clinical Use” - Martina Editions                 

Field of activity

Orthodontic Miniscrew

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One Touch, the trendy ceramic material in paste form for zirconia and lithium disilicate

Overview of the application possibilities of 2D or 3D pastes, also in combination with the ceraMotion® CADback software, with the aim of increasing efficiency and aesthetics.

Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.

MDT Gabriele Vögele

MDT Gabriele Vögele

Professional history

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international

Field of activity

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international


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Laser welding in dental prosthetics and orthodontics

Why weld? Important criteria for the selection of a laser machine and subsequent influences on the laser quality. Practical applications step by step.

from 10:30 hours
One Touch, the trendy ceramic material in paste form for zirconia and lithium disilicate

Download appointment (ICS)

Overview of the application possibilities of 2D or 3D pastes, also in combination with the ceraMotion® CADback software, with the aim of increasing efficiency and aesthetics.

Download appointment (ICS)

Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.

DT Hector Alvarez Lorenzo

DT Hector Alvarez Lorenzo

Professional history
since 2019

Customer Support Prosthetic Dentistry Dentaurum


Customer Support in industry


Dental technician in various laboratories


Vocational education as dental technician

Field of activity

Skeletal anchorage

Applications on a daily basis

Dr. Andrea Eliseo

Dr. Andrea Eliseo

Professional history

Graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of L'Aquila


Specialized in Orthodontics at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome


Speaker with 3M Unitek and Speaker with Dentaurum Italia


Second level Master's speaker and university specialization speaker at University of Rome, Catania, Milano, Chieti

Since 2021

President S.U.S.O. Molise 


Author of the book “Miniscrew, Atlas of Clinical Use” - Martina Editions                 

Field of activity

Orthodontic Miniscrew

Download appointment (ICS)

Unlimited possibilities with ceraMotion®

Preparation of the framework using ceraMotion® CADback software; layering and finishing with ceraMotion® Zr and ceraMotion® One Touch.

MDT Haristos Girinis

MDT Haristos Girinis

Professional history

Owner of Girinis Dentaldesign, Nagold, Germany

Specializing in the field of individual, high-quality dentistry

Continuous further education (inter alia with Prof. Alexander Gutowski, master dental technicians Rainer Semsch, Bertrand Thiévent, Klaus Masteries)

Numerous publications

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology

MDT Gabriele Vögele

MDT Gabriele Vögele

Professional history

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international

Field of activity

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international


Download appointment (ICS)

Long-term success with low-speed preparation and tioLogic® TWINFIT connector geometry (hands-on)

Advantages of the AbutmentSwitch and drill workshop with different bone qualities

Dr. Johannes Petschelt

Dr. Johannes Petschelt ,

Professional history

Work experience in a dental clinic in Arequipa, Peru


Training as paramedic


Study of dentistry (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)


Study of dentistry (Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria)


Clinical traineeship in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

since 2018

Dentist at dental office Dr. Petschelt und Kollegen, Lauf, Germany


postgraduate course of study Aesthetic-reconstructive dentistry (DPU/PUSH Krems, Austria)

since 2019

various curricula (inter alia sports dentistry, implantology, dental sleep medicine, oral surgery)

since 2020

course of further education as specialist for oral surgery for the Bavarian Regional Dental Association (Bayerische Landeszahnärztekammer)


course of study parallel to work as Bachelor of Science in human medicine (DPU Krems, Austria)

since 2021

postgraduate course of study in periodontology and implantology (DPU/PUSH Krems, Austria)


since 2023

establishment of own oral surgery referral practice


Field of activity
  • Soft tissue handling
  • eazf* curriculum beginners – implant prosthetics
  • eazf* implant prosthetics
  • Possibilities and limits of augmentative measures
  • Digital implant prosthetics

*eazf - European Academy for Dental Training



Download appointment (ICS)


Long-term success with low-speed preparation and tioLogic® TWINFIT connector geometry (hands-on)

Advantages of the AbutmentSwitch and drill workshop with different bone qualities.

Dr. Johannes Petschelt

Dr. Johannes Petschelt ,

Professional history

Work experience in a dental clinic in Arequipa, Peru


Training as paramedic


Study of dentistry (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)


Study of dentistry (Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria)


Clinical traineeship in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

since 2018

Dentist at dental office Dr. Petschelt und Kollegen, Lauf, Germany


postgraduate course of study Aesthetic-reconstructive dentistry (DPU/PUSH Krems, Austria)

since 2019

various curricula (inter alia sports dentistry, implantology, dental sleep medicine, oral surgery)

since 2020

course of further education as specialist for oral surgery for the Bavarian Regional Dental Association (Bayerische Landeszahnärztekammer)


course of study parallel to work as Bachelor of Science in human medicine (DPU Krems, Austria)

since 2021

postgraduate course of study in periodontology and implantology (DPU/PUSH Krems, Austria)


since 2023

establishment of own oral surgery referral practice


Field of activity
  • Soft tissue handling
  • eazf* curriculum beginners – implant prosthetics
  • eazf* implant prosthetics
  • Possibilities and limits of augmentative measures
  • Digital implant prosthetics

*eazf - European Academy for Dental Training



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Unlimited possibilities with ceraMotion®

Preparation of the framework using ceraMotion® CADback software; layering and finishing with ceraMotion® Zr and ceraMotion® One Touch.

MDT Haristos Girinis

MDT Haristos Girinis

Professional history

Owner of Girinis Dentaldesign, Nagold, Germany

Specializing in the field of individual, high-quality dentistry

Continuous further education (inter alia with Prof. Alexander Gutowski, master dental technicians Rainer Semsch, Bertrand Thiévent, Klaus Masteries)

Numerous publications

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology

MDT Gabriele Vögele

MDT Gabriele Vögele

Professional history

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international

Field of activity

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international


Download appointment (ICS)

Creating space using removable appliances in orthodontics

Therapeutic approaches for children and adolescents with class II and class III dysgnathia.

DT Guido Reichhart

DT Guido Reichhart

Professional history
1992 - 1996

Vocational education as dental technician

1996 - 1997

Community service

1997 - 2008

Dental technician (head of laboratory), laboratory in orthodontic office

2008 - 2009

Orthodontic technician in commercial laboratory in Kempten, Germany; casting technique, Crozat, laser welding

2009 - 2012

Commercial laboratory in Switzerland, head of orthodontics department

2013 - to date

own commercial laboratory for orthodontics “Mundwinkel”

Field of activity

Orthodontic seminar steps 1 - 3

Production of a forward thrust double plate

Production of a bionator acc. to Balters

Download appointment (ICS)

One Touch, the trendy ceramic material in paste form for zirconia and lithium disilicate

Overview of the application possibilities of 2D or 3D pastes, also in combination with the ceraMotion® CADback software, with the aim of increasing efficiency and aesthetics.

DT Stefan Bichler

DT Stefan Bichler

Professional history
1999 - 2003

Training as a dental technician


 Purchase of the "Dentallabor Krems" laboratory


Self-employment in the "Dental Laboratory Krems"

Numerous further training courses, as well as speaker activities and specialist articles in various dental journals.

Field of activity
MDT Gabriele Vögele

MDT Gabriele Vögele

Professional history

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international

Field of activity

Dental lectures and courses in Germany and international


Download appointment (ICS)


Creating space using removable appliances in orthodontics

Therapeutic approaches for children and adolescents with class II and class III dysgnathia.

DT Guido Reichhart

DT Guido Reichhart

Professional history
1992 - 1996

Vocational education as dental technician

1996 - 1997

Community service

1997 - 2008

Dental technician (head of laboratory), laboratory in orthodontic office

2008 - 2009

Orthodontic technician in commercial laboratory in Kempten, Germany; casting technique, Crozat, laser welding

2009 - 2012

Commercial laboratory in Switzerland, head of orthodontics department

2013 - to date

own commercial laboratory for orthodontics “Mundwinkel”

Field of activity

Orthodontic seminar steps 1 - 3

Production of a forward thrust double plate

Production of a bionator acc. to Balters

Download appointment (ICS)

One Touch, the trendy ceramic material in paste form for zirconia and lithium disilicate

Overview of the application possibilities of 2D or 3D pastes, also in combination with the ceraMotion® CADback software, with the aim of increasing efficiency and aesthetics.

DT Stefan Bichler

DT Stefan Bichler

Professional history
1999 - 2003

Training as a dental technician


 Purchase of the "Dentallabor Krems" laboratory


Self-employment in the "Dental Laboratory Krems"

Numerous further training courses, as well as speaker activities and specialist articles in various dental journals.

Field of activity
 DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

Professional history

High school graduation

1986 – 1991

Vocational education as dental technician, occupation in a commercial laboratory

since 1991

Employee at Dentaurum as dental technician in an application laboratory for prosthetic dentistry.

Field of activity

Dental lectures and seminars in Germany and international.


Download appointment (ICS)

Laser welding in dental prosthetics and orthodontics

Why weld? Important criteria for the selection of a laser machine and subsequent influences on the laser quality. Practical applications step by step.

DT Hector Alvarez Lorenzo

DT Hector Alvarez Lorenzo

Professional history
since 2019

Customer Support Prosthetic Dentistry Dentaurum


Customer Support in industry


Dental technician in various laboratories


Vocational education as dental technician

Field of activity

Download appointment (ICS)

Dentaurum fair stand:

the ideal platform to meet and chat

The motto "LET'S CELEBRATE" also plays a part in Dentaurum's newly designed trade fair concept. An impressive stand awaits you and offers an all-round experience. There is space for communication and the world of (digital) dentistry is brought to life.

Date and opening times of the IDS Cologne in 2025:
March 25 -29, 2025  • 09:00 - 18:00 hours CET


Our experts are looking forward to meeting you at the Dentaurum stand


Hector Alvarez

Dental technician, Customer Support Prosthetics


Stefan Bichler

Dental technician,
Owner "Dentallabor Krems"

More information

Dr. Andrea Eliseo


More information

Haristos Girinis

Master dental technician,
Owner "Girinis Dentaldesign"


François Hartmann

Head of Customer Support Prosthetics, Orthodontics & Digital



Marcelo Mendes Reis

Dental Technician
Teamleader Customer Support Digital


Dr. med. dent. Johannes Petschelt M.Sc. M.Sc.

Specialist dentist for oral surgery


Guido Reichhart

Dental technician


Dr. Daniel Schulz

Dentist, specialist implantology

More information

Gabriele Vögele
Dental technician,
Customer Support Prosthetics


Volker Wetzel

Master dental technician,
application technician / demonstrator at Dentaurum

More information

Terry Whitty

Dental technician,
Onwer & founder FABDENT (Australia)

More information


Your online press compartment for Dentaurum

Information on Dentaurum and IDS product highlights can be downloaded from our online press compartment at the IDS.

Press package
IDS complete

Press package

Press package

Press package
Prosthetics & ceramics

Dentaurum press releases

Do you need information or press material or do you have a question for Dentaurum? If you would like to receive up-to-date press releases on Dentaurum, please register in our distribution list.

Please send an e-mail to or give us a call.

We're happy to help!

Dentaurum Public Relations

Dentaurum press contact

Ms. Luisa Hahn
Phone +49 7231 803 588

You can access further current news on Dentaurum on our social media channels.

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



To the online shop

Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R