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LIVE Demos

10.00 - 12.00

12.00 - 14.00

14.00 - 16.00

16.00 - 18.00


2D- und 3D-Paste = Freunde für ein besseres (keramisches) Leben

Die Verwendung von ceraMotion One Touch 2D- und 3D-Paste für ästhetische Ergebnisse.

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Professional history

Employee of Dentaurum as application technician / demonstrator.

Field of activity

Dental technical lectures and courses.


Structure and surface

Ceramic structure and surface management for all-ceramic crowns

Dt. Franck Chomet

Dt. Franck Chomet

Professional history

Forschung und Entwicklung keramischer Materialien für zahntechnische Labore bei Dentaurum Ceramics in Frankreich

Employee of Dentaurum as application technician / demonstrator.

Field of activity

Dental technical lectures and courses.
Veneering ceramics and international courses.


Magic in a jar

Efficiently working with ceramic in paste

Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.


Interaction parfaite

La combinaison la plus efficace entre la superposition micro et superposition classique.

ZTM Christian Ferrari

ZTM Christian Ferrari

Professional history

Working as a dental technician in France, Switzerland and Canada

Co-development and research of new ceramic products with international companies, including his own porcelain line.

Opened his first laboratory in France.


Creation of his own dental Academy, where he trains many ceramists from many different countries

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology




Wahre Schönheit kommt von Innen

Klassische, ästhetische Verblendung mit ceraMotion® Zr

ZTM Haristos Girinis

ZTM Haristos Girinis

Professional history

Geschäftsinhaber Girinis Dentaldesign, Nagold

Spezialisierung auf individuelle, hochwertige Zahntechnik

Stetige Weiterbildung ( u. a. bei Prof. Alexander Gutowski, ZTM Rainer Semsch, Betrand Thiévant, Klaus Mütherthies)

Zahlreiche Publikationen

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology


Magic in a jar

Efficiently working with ceramic in paste

Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.


Interaction parfaite

La combinaison la plus efficace entre la superposition micro et superposition classique

ZTM Christian Ferrari

ZTM Christian Ferrari

Professional history

Working as a dental technician in France, Switzerland and Canada

Co-development and research of new ceramic products with international companies, including his own porcelain line.

Opened his first laboratory in France.


Creation of his own dental Academy, where he trains many ceramists from many different countries

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology



Werden Zirkonkronen noch verblendet?

Micro Layering Cutback mit "One Touch"-Technik

Dt. Dominik Mäder

Dt. Dominik Mäder

Professional history

Training as a dental technician.

Professional training at Sea Side Dental/New Zealand.

Stay abroad in South America/Asia/Australia.

Corporate management SIU diploma.

Co-owner of Zahnmanufaktur Zimmermann/Mäder AG, Bern/Switzerland

Field of activity

Ceramic lectures and courses. Speaker at home and abroad in various areas.
Specialized in all-ceramic anterior restorations, implantology and veneers



Werden Zirkonkronen noch verblendet?

Micro Layering Cutback mit "One Touch"-Technik

Dt. Dominik Mäder

Dt. Dominik Mäder

Professional history

Training as a dental technician.

Professional training at Sea Side Dental/New Zealand.

Stay abroad in South America/Asia/Australia.

Corporate management SIU diploma.

Co-owner of Zahnmanufaktur Zimmermann/Mäder AG, Bern/Switzerland

Field of activity

Ceramic lectures and courses. Speaker at home and abroad in various areas.
Specialized in all-ceramic anterior restorations, implantology and veneers


Always look on the pink side of life

ceraMotion® OneTouch Mikroschichtung mit Gingivapaste

ZT Stefan Bichler

ZT Stefan Bichler

Professional history
1999 - 2003

Training as a dental technician


 Purchase of the "Dentallabor Krems" laboratory


Self-employment in the "Dental Laboratory Krems"

Numerous further training courses, as well as speaker activities and specialist articles in various dental journals.

Field of activity

Nuova zirconia ibrida

Evoluzione dell'estetica dentale

Germano Rossi

Germano Rossi ,

Professional history

Owner of the dental laboratory of the same name in Alba-Adriatica, Italy.

Member of ANTLO (Associazione Nazionale Titolari Laboratori Odontotecnici, the Italian national association of dental laboratory proprietors)

Author of diverse articles that have been published nationally and internationally.

Field of activity

Full restorations in implant dentistry


Wahre Schönheit kommt von Innen

Klassische, ästhetische Verblendung mit ceraMotion® Zr

ZTM Haristos Girinis

ZTM Haristos Girinis

Professional history

Geschäftsinhaber Girinis Dentaldesign, Nagold

Spezialisierung auf individuelle, hochwertige Zahntechnik

Stetige Weiterbildung ( u. a. bei Prof. Alexander Gutowski, ZTM Rainer Semsch, Betrand Thiévant, Klaus Mütherthies)

Zahlreiche Publikationen

Field of activity

Subject-specific courses and lectures in the field of highly aesthetic and functional dental technology



Always look on the pink side of life

ceraMotion® OneTouch Mikroschichtung mit Gingivapaste

ZT Stefan Bichler

ZT Stefan Bichler

Professional history
1999 - 2003

Training as a dental technician


 Purchase of the "Dentallabor Krems" laboratory


Self-employment in the "Dental Laboratory Krems"

Numerous further training courses, as well as speaker activities and specialist articles in various dental journals.

Field of activity

Der Weg zum Erfolg

ceraMotion®  Keramiklösungen

ZTM Werner Gotsch

ZTM Werner Gotsch

Professional history
Field of activity
  • Ausbildung zum Zahntechniker
  • Tätigkeit in allen Sparten der Zhantechnik, Geschiebetechnik, Totalprothetik und Keramik
  • 1995 externe Meisterprüfung in Nürnberg, ausgzeichnet mit dem Meisterpreis der Bayrischen Staatsregierung
  • Laborinhaber, spezialisiert auf Vollkermische und Keramische Restaurationen
  • selbstständiger Referent, Vorträge und Workshops im In- und Ausland

Kein Alltag ohne "One Touch"

Lösungen mit Keramikpasten für die Micro Layering Technik

ZTM Waldemar Fritzler

ZTM Waldemar Fritzler

Professional history

Co-owner of Zahnmanufaktur Emsland GmbH

Member of the examination board of the school for master dental technicians in Münster, Germany

Application and co-development of the ceraMotion®

Field of activity

Lectures and courses at home and abroad.

Aesthetic all-ceramic restorations.


Nuova zirconia ibrida

Evoluzione dell'estetica dentale

Germano Rossi

Germano Rossi ,

Professional history

Owner of the dental laboratory of the same name in Alba-Adriatica, Italy.

Member of ANTLO (Associazione Nazionale Titolari Laboratori Odontotecnici, the Italian national association of dental laboratory proprietors)

Author of diverse articles that have been published nationally and internationally.

Field of activity

Full restorations in implant dentistry



Der Weg zum Erfolg

ceraMotion®  Keramiklösungen

ZTM Werner Gotsch

ZTM Werner Gotsch

Professional history
Field of activity
  • Ausbildung zum Zahntechniker
  • Tätigkeit in allen Sparten der Zhantechnik, Geschiebetechnik, Totalprothetik und Keramik
  • 1995 externe Meisterprüfung in Nürnberg, ausgzeichnet mit dem Meisterpreis der Bayrischen Staatsregierung
  • Laborinhaber, spezialisiert auf Vollkermische und Keramische Restaurationen
  • selbstständiger Referent, Vorträge und Workshops im In- und Ausland

Kein Alltag ohne "One Touch"

Lösungen mit Keramikpasten für die Micro Layering Technik

ZTM Waldemar Fritzler

ZTM Waldemar Fritzler

Professional history

Co-owner of Zahnmanufaktur Emsland GmbH

Member of the examination board of the school for master dental technicians in Münster, Germany

Application and co-development of the ceraMotion®

Field of activity

Lectures and courses at home and abroad.

Aesthetic all-ceramic restorations.


2D- und 3D-Paste = Freunde für ein besseres (keramisches) Leben

Die Verwendung von ceraMotion One Touch 2D- und 3D-Paste für ästhetische Ergebnisse.

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Mdt. Volker Wetzel

Professional history

Employee of Dentaurum as application technician / demonstrator.

Field of activity

Dental technical lectures and courses.


LIVE Demos IDS 2019

ceraMotion® OneTouch No Limits
The First Layered Ceramics in Pastes | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® One Touch Pink
Red White Aesthetics I IDS 2019

The Possibilities of the ceraMotion® OneTouch 2D & 3D Pastes | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® One Touch: Easy. Fast. Esthetic. | Dominik Mäder | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® LiSi
Lithium Disilicate in 3D-Master Colors | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® LiSi auf der IDS 2019: Anterior Veneers

ceraMotion® LiSi auf der IDS 2019: Adjusting the brightness

Simple and aesthetic finalization with ceraMotion® I IDS 2019

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



To the online shop

Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R