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"Interview with Dr. F. Petschelt (©EDI Journal, 01/2019)"
4Base abutments - tioLogic® TWINFIT implant system
Ball abutment / tioLOC abutment - tioLogic® TWINFIT
Basisfolder pOsition for tioLogic®
CAD/CAM components - tioLogic® TWINFIT
CAD/CAM Overview
CAD/CAM titanium base - CEREC®
Closure screws, gingiva former, impression posts, temporary abutments - tioLogic® TWINFIT
D. Schulz, G. Weber: implant abutment connection according to bone level (© pip, 05/2023)
Dental implants tioLogic®
Documentation form Non-osseointegrated implants
Documentation form non-primarily stable implants during surgery
Drilling protocol tioLogic® TWINFIT and tioLogic® ST.
Frequency of drill application - ADVANCED for tioLogic®
Guided Surgery - Übersicht
Implant Planning - tioLogic®
Literaturübersicht Implantology
Osteotomes - tioLogic® ST / tioLogic® TWINFIT
PatientPass - tioLogic®
Possible applications for tioLogic® TWINFIT implants
Practice Record Card - tioLogic® Implant system
Preparation instructions. Implant system components
Prosthetics Manual - tioLogic® TWINFIT
Screw removal set for implants - tioLogic® ST / tioLogic® TWINFIT
Surgery Manual - tioLogic® TWINFIT
Surgery Manual, pOsition for tioLogic®
Surgical protocol
tioLogic® digital - Complete solution for your CAD/CAM process
tioLogic® TWINFIT
tioLogic® TWINFIT implant system
Titanium abutments and components - tioLogic® TWINFIT
Torque ratchet
Torque ratchet - tioLogic® TWINFIT
Werkstoffübersicht Implantologie-Produkte
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